• Copy of a valid drivers license or State/Federal issued ID
• Proof of income
• County registration for pet(s), and a photo
• Proof of income
• County registration for pet(s), and a photo
You can email any of the above items to App@AccessAsset.com
Management and Rental Owner Reserve the Right to Request Additional Documentation
• Income needs to be documented via pay stubs, tax returns, or bank statements in order to be considered in ratios.
• Verification of employment will be conducted via fax, phone, email, and/or letter.
• Monthly gross income needs to reasonably support the amount of the rent in order to avoid a financial hardship
• Any applicant evicted from a prior home or residence within the last 10 years will be denied residency.
• Any applicant convicted of the manufacture of or distribution of a controlled substance will be denied residency.
• Any applicant convicted of a violent felony or misdemeanor may be denied residency based on a review of the facts and circumstances surrounding any such incident(s).
• Any applicant whose combined household income is less than a minimum of two times the lease rate will be denied residency.
• Access maintains an internal proprietary scoring algorithm that will be used to assist in the evaluation of an applicant. This algorithm reviews such items as front end/back end debt to income ratios, employment location, recent derogatory credit payments, breed of pet, depth of rental history, type of rental history, payment shock, and a variety of other factors to determine eligibility.
• Verification of employment will be conducted via fax, phone, email, and/or letter.
• Monthly gross income needs to reasonably support the amount of the rent in order to avoid a financial hardship
• Any applicant evicted from a prior home or residence within the last 10 years will be denied residency.
• Any applicant convicted of the manufacture of or distribution of a controlled substance will be denied residency.
• Any applicant convicted of a violent felony or misdemeanor may be denied residency based on a review of the facts and circumstances surrounding any such incident(s).
• Any applicant whose combined household income is less than a minimum of two times the lease rate will be denied residency.
• Access maintains an internal proprietary scoring algorithm that will be used to assist in the evaluation of an applicant. This algorithm reviews such items as front end/back end debt to income ratios, employment location, recent derogatory credit payments, breed of pet, depth of rental history, type of rental history, payment shock, and a variety of other factors to determine eligibility.
There is a $50.00 non-refundable application fee per adult residing in the home. This application fee is due up front.
Funds are used to obtain credit reports, employment verification, eviction search, criminal court search, current and previous landlord character reference verification, property management collection search, and other information pertinent in making an eligibility decision on prospective applicants.
All move-in costs are due upon approval. Certified funds required; money order, cashier’s check, or ACH/Debit only.
Access Asset Management, Inc. strictly abides by housing laws and any applicant whose household make-up exceeds safety standards will be denied residency.