Temecula Property Managers Information
Important Numbers
Southern California Edison
(800) 655-4555
SoCal Gas
Natural Gas
(800) 427-2200
Trash & Waste Disposal
(800) 755-8112
Rancho California Water
Water & Sewer Service
(951) 296-6900
TV & Broadband
(800) 483-4000
Time Warner
TV & Broadband
(760) 340-2225
City Services
Temecula Police Department
Law Enforcement
Emergency: Dial 911
Other:(951) 776-1099
Animal Control
(951) 674-0618
Code Enforcement
City Upkeep
(951) 302-4144
Temecula Property Managers – City Background
Access Asset Management is found throughout all of Temecula. The city has grown recently and provided a large base for new investment opportunities and property management. Although this page serves to give a owners and residents a biography for the city of Temecula, you can check out of other pages and blog posts on property management. Owners are directed towards our owners page and FAQ and to reach a seasoned property management in the Temecula area write us an email or give us a call, we would love to answer any of your questions.

School District Information
City History
“The Temecula Valley Unified School District is located in Riverside County. The District recently earned the distinction of receiving the highest overall assessment scores in Riverside County on the new California Smarter Balanced Tests. The District covers 213 square miles (north to French Valley, south to the Riverside County line, east to Vail Lake, and, west to the Temecula city limit. The District began operations as a unified school district in 1989. Currently, there are seventeen elementary schools, six middle schools, three comprehensive high schools, one continuation high school, one independent study high school, one virtual school, two charter schools, and one adult school in the District for a total of thirty-two schools. The District also conducts a childcare program called BASES at various elementary school sites. The District employs approximately 1,316 certificated employees and 1,459 classified employees. Total 2015-16 enrollment is approximately 27,700. The District received voter approval of the $165 million dollar Measure Y Bond in November 2012. The funds will be provided by the issuance of bonds planned to occur four times over approximately 10 years. A master facility plan and bond projects list have been established to prioritize projects for completion during the lifetime of the bond.”
Source: http://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/
“The City of Temecula celebrates our 25th anniversary of incorporation on December 1, 2014, yet the valley has been inhabited for thousands of years. We are both a very old community and a large, energetic city filled with exciting opportunities. Temecula as a city values our small town feel and community involvement, which has at its heart an appreciation for our history and culture. Even our City slogan “Old Traditions, New Opportunities” reflects this appreciation.
Many know that when voting for incorporation in 1989, citizens were also asked to name their new city. But newcomers are not aware that the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of retaining the name that is the heart of the area’s cultural roots. Almost 70% of the voters chose “Temecula” as the official name, with “Rancho California” a distant second, and “Temecula Valley” and “Rancho Temecula” garnering only meager votes. Voters celebrated the valley’s heritage as our name is derived from the Native American’s who were the first to inhabit the valley. They called their village “Teméeku” from the Luiseño word “Temecunga” – “teme” meaning “sun,” and “nga” meaning “place of”. The vote made Temecula, arguably, the only city in California to retain its aboriginal name, and importantly, set the stage as a city that deeply values cultural traditions and history. ”
Source: http://www.cityoftemecula.org/