Riverside County & Inland Empire Information
Important Numbers
County Services
Property Tax Information
(951) 955-3900
Building Permit Reports
Assessment Appeals
(951) 955-1069
Crime Report
Public Health
(951) 358-5000
Utility Assistance Program
(951) 955-4900
Riverside County & Inland Empire
Property Management
“Another 100,000 units of housing may be required to replace aging housing stock, relieve overcrowding , and replace units lost to accident or disaster.”Riverside County Strategic Plan
Access Asset Management manages property throughout Riverside County and the Inland Empire. Lake Elsinore is their central base for Southern California. It is the perfect place to centralize efforts for property management in the area. Within a 50 mile radius we are able to manage homes in the Inland Empire/Riverside county from Riverside to Temecula, homes in Orange County from Fullerton to San Juan Capistrano, the areas of southern San Bernardino County to include Redlands to Chino, and finally north San Diego areas like Fallbrook. This page will provide insight on Riverside County & Inland Empire property management as well as other useful and important information surrounding the county.

“”Our vision is to be a proactive county that provides community, business, government, and regional leadership. We will set an exemplary standard of performance among counties by providing our citizens with cost-effective, efficient, and reliable government services, and by developing creative solutions to critical community-wide problems confronting all segments of our constituency. We will anticipate and address the challenges of environmental quality, societal change, and economic competitiveness while striving to make Riverside County an even better place to live, work, raise our families, and do business.”
In the year 2020, Riverside County will be home to approximately 2.8 million people, occupying approximately 918 thousand housing units, residing in at least two dozen vibrant cities and numerous well-planned unincorporated suburbs and rural areas. A large majority of our working population will be employed locally in approximately 960 thousand jobs by clean industries paying good wages and by a thriving retail and service commercial sector.
Our diverse mix of peoples, religions and cultures will provide Riverside County with a wealth of different perspectives, life experiences, and knowledge, forming a basis for tolerance and compassion, while enhancing the interesting and exciting community in which we live.
Our shelter will be safe, comfortable, and diverse, providing a wide range of housing opportunities in all densities, styles and price ranges. Neighborhoods will be well designed, conveniently located with respect to schools, jobs, shopping, and transportation systems, encouraging a strong sense of community identity among residents.”
Source: http://www.countyofriverside.us/
“The County is committed to reducing the costs of land development for low/moderate income housing through a subsidies to ensure that sufficient affordable housing can be made available to the consumer. We will continue to explore, in concert with development industry stakeholders, reasonable approaches and techniques to see this objective realized.
ln pursuing housing goals for the community, the County acknowledges the relationship between housing and economic development. Riverside County has developed rapidly, with thriving business centers and desirable residential communities. The County recognizes that continued economic prosperity can be enhanced through the preservation of a diversified workforce which lives and works here. These individuals are our workers, consumers and young adults wishing to remain in Riverside County. For this reason, the County supports modestly priced rental and first-time ownership housing opportunities. The County believes that these opportunities can be best provided in partnership with cities, the building industry, and private and non-profit housing groups. The primary role of the County is to be a coordinator in facilitating these partnerships through the use of tax exempt financing, expedited development review and approvals, monitoring and certifying levels of affordability where required by State and Federal laws and regulations, securing other State and local resources as appropriate, and providing technical assistance.
Two agencies are responsible for implementing the County’s public housing programs. The Housing Authority, which is governed by the Board of Supervisors acting as the Board of Commissioners, assists low and moderate income families, including elderly and handicapped persons, throughout the County by operating programs which provide decent, safe and sanitary housing at affordable costs. The Authority provides rent subsidies, operates public housing complexes and a migrant farm worker center, and owns one family emergency shelter and one shelter for homeless men. The Authority also provides homeownership assistance to low income families through the Homeownership Empowerment Lease Purchase (HELP) Program, a lease/purchase program which helps eligible families purchase Housing Authority-owned homes. In addition, the Authority has the capacity to issue tax-exempt bonds to finance multi-family housing developments by private developers, with a portion of the units set aside for low income families and the elderly.”
Source: http://www.countyofriverside.us/

Good news for property investors and owners as even in 2015 the median home price in Riverside County and Inland Empire is $292,500.
Although these pages may serve as building blocks to welcome you to our site. We urge you to poke around and better understand what we offer and who we are. A full service professional property management company with investment in mind.
Source: http://factfinder.census.gov