Chino Hills Property Managers Information
Important Numbers
Southern California Edison
(800) 655-4555
SoCal Gas
Natural Gas
(800) 427-2200
Chino Hills Disposal
Trash & Waste Disposal
(866) 238-3301
Water & Sewer Service
(909) 364-2660
TV & Broadband
(800) 483-4000
Time Warner
TV & Broadband
(760) 340-2225
City Services
Chino Hills Police
Law Enforcement
Emergency: Dial 911
Other:(909) 364-2000
Animal Control
(909) 623-9777
Code Enforcement
City Upkeep
(909) 364-2757
Chino HIlls Property Managers – City Background
Access Asset Management is found throughout all of Chino Hills. The city has grown recently and provided a large base for new investment opportunities and property management. Although this page serves to give a owners and residents a biography for the city of Chino Hills, you can check out of other pages and blog posts on property management. Owners are directed towards our owners page and FAQ and to reach a seasoned property management in the Chino Hills area write us an email or give us a call, we would love to answer any of your questions.

School District Information
City History
Our students possess the personal and academic skills to be successful, responsible and productive. They are motivated, self-confident, and life-long learners. They exhibit integrity and contribute to the well-being of their communities. They successfully solve problems using their intellectual capacity and appropriate technology tools. They respect the ideas of other people, while holding true to their own convictions.
Students recognize that academic achievement is essential to competing in the global economic setting. They face the future knowing that their goals are within their reach, by continuing their education and through their individual commitment and hard work.”
“In 1979, the County of San Bernardino initiated the development of the Chino Hills Specific Plan – the document that would plan for the eventual development of 18,000 acres – 26 square miles – located in Chino Hills. The area had been protected from haphazard development because the land was not flat enough to build inexpensively. It was clear, however, that development pressures were moving toward Chino Hills. The innovative Specific Plan was the first in the State of California to be designed for an unincorporated area. A Citizen’s Advisory Committee and County officials worked in cooperation with 150 property owners to develop the Plan. The Southwest Hills Environmental and Planning Association (SHEPA) also participated in the public land use discussions during that time. The Specific Plan called for clustered residential development concentrated in village cores, decreasing in density away from the core in order to protect as much open space as possible. Commercial development was slated along the Highway 71 corridor. By 1982, when the Specific Plan was approved, there were approximately 4,000 homes and 12,000 residents in Chino Hills.”